Good Evening! Instead of a card today...I thought I would share a picture of the baby of the house. This is Taffy. She is about a year and a half old. Both of my cats absolutely love fabric and quilts. When there is fabric or a quilt on the counter...they tend to completely forget that they are not suppose to be up on the kitchen counter's. Taffy looked so darn cute, that I couldn't scold her. Susie stopped over today and we went to Practical Cents. I bought this bag of fabric for $1.50 and I was sorting it out on the counter. Taffy hopped up there and plopped her self right in the bag! The little nut! So I had to take a picture to share with you all.
After the rain last night, my road is a muddy mess. I don't think I could get through it right now without getting stuck. They didn't work on it today, but right before dark I heard machinery so I am hoping they were smoothing things out. Good thing that I don't have anywhere that I have to go right now.
I have been working on the Yo-Yo quilt that I am finishing for a woman in Milwaukee. The cats have been curled up by me taking advantage of "Mom time". Taffy was trying to get the thread when I first started working on it. After a few taps on the nose...she decided to be content sitting on my legs watching me stitch. Molly wanted to get on top of the quilt and I wouldn't let her. She crouched down real low (thinking that I couldn't see her, I think) and put her front paws on the quilt. She almost looked like she was thinking, you can't see me, but I am touching the quilt. They are definitely fabric loving cats! Enjoy your pets! Me
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