Hello! Yesterday, our entire family met at House on the Rock to celebrate my mom and dad's upcoming 50th wedding anniversary. They will be married 50 years on July 23rd. We had a great day going through House on the Rock and after wards Jenna and her family headed home to Milwaukee and the rest of us went back to Sarah and Zach's house for a cookout, and Zach's mom and dad joined us. It was a very fun day. I was wiped when we got home and I fell asleep before 8 last night and slept on and off till about 10 this morning. All my muscles hurt today from walking.
Today, Mom and I went over to Jeannette's for lunch. She is home for the rest of the summer. It was so good to see her. I have missed her so. She is still wild and crazy, and makes me laugh so much and she always has the funniest stories to tell! She asked me when my next stamping event is as she would like to come to it. So that would be fun. Rosella, her tenant and friend joined us for lunch too. When we were leaving, she told Jeannette that I had been "kissed by the angels". Jeannette and I both looked at her and she was pointing on her face as to where my dimples are. Funny. That must be an old expression. I hope to see a lot more of Jeannette while she is home.
I had a short nap this afternoon before Tammy stopped over and woke me up. Then I was on the phone taking some outside order's for Sandy's party, and I got after wards I entered the party into the computer. Sandy is coming tomorrow to finalize things and then I will shoot it in. She was going to come over tonight but we decided that it probably wasn't the best idea with the storm and tornado warnings out.
Tomorrow looks like it is going to be another busy day with lots of people in and out, so I decided that I'd better get done what I could tonight. I got Nancy's hostess gift made for her party on August 9th, and I also designed and cut out Project #1 for the party. So I am very happy to have that much done. With it only being a month away from Jenna's due date now, I want to get a head start on things. I was typing this post earlier when the power went out. It scared the dickens out of me as at first I thought the computer had been hit by lightening. But everything was dark on the street too so I made my way to the bed in the dark. We sure had a nasty storm tonight and I am surprised that I managed to fall asleep during it. I didn't think I was going to be able to. I must have fallen asleep praying for myself and for my family, for God to keep everyone safe during this storm. He probably got tired of listening to me and zonked me out! LOL
The power just came back on and woke me up. I had the desk lamp on by the computer when the power went out so had to get up and shut that off so I figured that I might as well finish this while I was up. Unfortunately I am wide awake now so will have to start the sleep process all over again. Have a great day! Elaine
Cute apple card....do you have an apple die? Or was this a ready made apple shape? Either way a nice card and good for fall, teachers, anyone.