Sunday, January 10, 2021

Fill your mind with good things!

I made four of this masculine style card using one of my favorite stamp sets, Rooted in Nature.  This set has the wood slab and tree in it.  I used a different set for the sentiments.  I made this for an order I am working on and have three available.  :)

I was in my stamping room this afternoon and was thinking about listening to something while I worked.  I was reminded of the bible passage Philippians 4:8.  Finally, brothers, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. 

 To me that sends a clear message that we are to be focusing on the good, and I feel that we need to do that now more than ever as the world feels so uncertain.  Our hope is in the Lord.   It reminded me to listen to The Next Right Thing with Emily P. Freeman on Google Podcasts.   I  have it downloaded on my phone.  I thoroughly enjoy her soothing and calming voice as she tells examples and stories about making decisions and doing the "next right thing" in your life.  I have had a peaceful four hours, stamping and listening to her Christian messages.  She had a couple of other women as guest speakers in the podcasts I listened to today, they also do podcasts.  I really enjoyed listening to them on her program, so I am going to check those gals out too!

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How are you keeping your inner peace!?!  I would love to hear what you are up to!  You can leave me a message in the comments.  :)  Make it a great day!!!


  1. Walking outside, or exercising indoors, spending time with my family, focusing on the positive and trying to find joy in the small things is how I am trying to keep my inner peace.

  2. Great ways to try and keep your inner peace. Thanks for sharing. :)
