This is the latest owl hat I crocheted. It is size 4T to Adult. |
Sorry it took me so long to post again. It has been a crazy week...or should I just say past couple of years! I did the Holiday Taste Tour craft show in Westfield on Friday and Saturday, and saw lots of familiar faces. It was just like Christmas to me! I couldn't bend by the end of Sat. and fortunately some of the other vendors were so very kind to help me tear down, and get loaded up to head home. Diana was here and Antonio was off so they had a mini Thanksgiving dinner Saturday night which they invited me too. Yummy food as usual! Sunday morning was the quarterly voters meeting at church and I am church treasurer of Immanuel so I had to go and give a report. I was still in pain so headed right home after it to rest up and relax. Later in the afternoon I was feeling better and back to my normal self again and I was so thankful!
Yesterday and today I helped Heidi Homp Ides out with watching her kids in the afternoon, came home for a few hours last night and then it was off to watch my grand kids. Tonight I had supper with Jenna and family as Antonio is off. He made a Mexican soup. First time I ever had soup with a piece of corn on the cob in it! It is always something new to try when you eat over there! Now I am in my jammies, in the recliner, all snuggled up with a quilt, ready to fall a sleep. I am still trying to get rid of the cold I started on November 2nd, sure wish it would go away completely! Have a great night! Elaine
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