Happy Birthday Dear Diane.....Happy Birthday to You!
Yesterday, Diane and I took a little road trip to the Plover/Stevens Point area. Bernie needed to go in for his "scalping" (also known as haircut). I hold Bernie on the way there in the car and "offer" to help him make a quick "getaway" when we arrive. So far I haven't been brave enough to try it as I know that Lady Di would give me a good "scalping" if anything happened to precious Bernie. But it always makes Diane laugh....and that dog can run fast so I wouldn't even attempt it! While Bernie was at his appointment we went to the Driver's License center so Miss Diane could get a new picture taken for her Drivers License. Then we were off to the Golden Corral where I treated Diane for a late birthday lunch. Her birthday was on January 8th but I was sick then with my post-Michigan cold so we decided to wait till I was feeling better and also so that Diane didn't catch it. I convinced Diane that I needed to take a picture of her as this was her birthday celebration and for the blog. I wanted to go take a picture of the sign that is above the desserts that says Chocolate Fixation Station but she convinced me otherwise...that they might take away my new camera! Actually she told me I should ask permission as some restaurants won't let you take pictures because of there trade secrets. Anyways I tried to get her to go get another plate of desserts so I could take a picture of them at the table but no such luck! But we sure did enjoy them. The turtle cheesecake brownies were to die for! We ended the trip with a stop at Walmart and I bought a cart full of groceries which won't all fit in my cupboards. You would think I was born in the depression era as I always have way too much food stocked up. But I never have to worry after paying my bills that there isn't money for groceries as there is always something to eat around here. We had a delightful day as usual. Enjoy your friends!
Such a lovely lady!!!